Can I Still Get a Divorce Under New York’s Coronavirus Lockdown?

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Before the COVID-19 pandemic changed people’s everyday lives in New York, there were many spouses preparing to go through a divorce. As a result of the state’s stay-at-home orders, they may now be living together for the foreseeable future. This can cause a great deal of stress, leaving spouses wondering if they can still go through with their divorce during this time. Continue reading below to learn more and contact an experienced New York divorce attorney for assistance. 

Claim Your Space

While you may be forced into the same house as a soon-to-be former spouse for the time being, it is important to be sure that you are comfortable. This can be done in small ways such as claiming your own space. This may be done by sleeping in a separate bedroom than your spouse and separating your personal belongings from one another. By having your own space in the house, you can have the distance and privacy that you need even while you are living under the same roof. 

Commit to Co-Parenting

Due to the fact that children are not attending in-person schooling at this time, they are spending more time at home than usual. This can be stressful for parents in any sense, especially when they are going through the emotional turmoil of a divorce. Understanding the concept of a divorce can be difficult for children, which is why it is advised to provide them with structure during this time. This can be a good opportunity for spouses to work on their new roles as co-parents in their children’s lives. For example, establishing a temporary parenting agreement can allow both parents to spend time alone with the kids. 

Stay in Contact With Your Attorney

It is understandable that it can be awkward and uncomfortable to talk about your divorce when you are living in the same house as your spouse without the opportunity to leave. However, it is important for you to stay in touch with your attorney, whether it may be by phone or video conference. Be sure to find the free time and space to make these conversations possible.

Explore Out of Court Options

During discussions with your attorney, discuss how you may be able to expedite the process of your divorce during this time. This can be made possible through alternative divorce methods such as mediation, collaboration, or arbitration. These methods exist outside the courtroom, allowing the process to be resolved faster. Spouses who are able to have open and honest discussions to work out their marital issues may benefit from this. 

Contact our Firm

Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. Our firm understands the impact a divorce can have on your life. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, please do not hesitate to contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today.

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