You may not be on the best of terms with your spouse, but it may be in your best interest to remain amicable with them during your divorce proceedings. That is, a low-conflict divorce will just make the process easier for you and the outcome better for you. Read on to learn how a low-conflict divorce is possible and how a seasoned Suffolk County contested divorce lawyer of Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc., can help you in achieving this.
Is a low-conflict divorce possible in New York State?
While a low-conflict divorce is rare, it is still possible to achieve. That said, below are a few tips you can follow so that the process can be as easy as possible for you and your spouse:
- Be accepting: although you may not be in the best situation, you must come to terms with it. This will alleviate the anger or denial you may carry with you into the courtroom.
- Be willing to compromise: it is more likely than not that you and your spouse will not be on the same page for many divorce terms. However, you must go into your divorce proceedings with an open mind and be willing to reach a happy medium.
- Be in control of your emotions: during this time, it is normal to have heightened emotions and to be tempted to act on them. However, you should identify a healthy coping mechanism so that you can remain calm during your proceedings. Seeking revenge will not change the past, but it will only extend the proceedings and increase your legal fees.
- Be communicative: even if you and your spouse are not civil anymore, you must leave your feelings out of it and talk through certain conflicts. Employing a mediator may be helpful in ensuring that you and your spouse are remaining neutral and avoiding hostility.
- Be mindful of your behavior: at this time, there is no point in trying to change something you do not like about your spouse. Doing so will only lead to further arguments and for your conflicts to be perpetuated. You can only control your own behavior, so working on yourself should be your top priority.
And, if you have a child, you should keep their best interest in mind throughout the whole process. They will likely respond more positively to this difficult time if they see that their parents have remained civil. For more advice, you should contact one of the competent Suffolk County, Long Island divorce lawyers as soon as you can.
If you require strong and dedicated legal representation through a divorce or family law matter in Long Island, New York, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today.