Deciding to divorce your spouse isn’t always an easy choice, and it could be made worse when you discover how much it could cost you. However, it may be your only option. It’s important to understand that there is no definitive price tag on a divorce. Each case is different, so understanding what could affect the divorce cost is vital. Keep reading to learn more and discover how a Suffolk County divorce lawyer can help you navigate the process.
What Does the Average Divorce Cost?
Generally speaking, there are two drastically different costs for a divorce. If you decide to enlist the help of a lawyer, depending on where you live, you can look to pay $7,000. However, if you try to DIY the divorce, you can expect it to cost around $300.
Though those are wildly different prices, the circumstances surrounding the need for a lawyer will generally make the divorce harder to navigate. Those going through an uncontested divorce are more likely to have an easier time filing.
What Factors Influence How Expensive It Is?
Generally, you need a lawyer to help you with your divorce if the terms under which you and your spouse are splitting are unpleasant or if there are circumstances that impact how much the final price tag of your divorce can be.
For example, if you have children or property, the terms of your divorce can be more complicated. This means it’s harder to navigate without the help of an attorney. If you have a lawyer, these issues can get drawn out in court, meaning you’re paying for more of your attorney’s time.
However, even if you have the help of a lawyer, you can greatly reduce the costs of your divorce by settling issues with your spouse. The faster you and your spouse can resolve your differences, the easier it is to save money on your separation.
Why Do I Need a Lawyer?
You may think that hiring a lawyer to help you navigate divorce is an unnecessary cost, considering it could raise the price tag. However, if you do not have a lawyer, you could end up losing more money down the line.
If you’re in a contentious or even passive-aggressive divorce, ensuring you have a competent lawyer representing you is essential. For example, if your spouse is hiding money, a lawyer can request discovery, or a notice to produce. This requires the other party to present all their financial records, allowing your attorney to ensure that your ex-spouse is not hiding funds you could be entitled to.
When you’re involved in a legal battle, you may think that trying to brave the waters without a lawyer is the way to go. Instead, ensuring that you have a competent attorney on your side is worth every dollar. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Peter V. Mandi & Associates.