Suffolk County Child Visitation Lawyer

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Child Visitation

Divorce is often an emotional and overwhelming ordeal for everyone involved. When a child is involved in a divorce, the matter is compounded by the impact on his or her life. Everyone’s goal should be to limit the impact of divorce and pursue an end that has the best interests of their child in mind. Child visitation is frequently a significant topic for family members. Unfortunately, with emotions running high, child support and child custody can be devastating, and, in the worst cases, it can even rip a family apart. Understandably, parents want to protect their relationship with their children. Issues regarding sole custody, or a hostile custodial parent, can jeopardize the child’s relationship with the noncustodial parent, grandparents, siblings, and step-siblings. If you have been denied access to a child and believe you deserve visitation rights, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. for a consultation with an experienced child visitation lawyer.

Child visitation and sole custody

In rare cases, a court deems a parent unfit to be a guardian. These cases are saved for people that cannot be trusted because of countless issues, such as substance abuse, incarceration, institutionalization, and more. This is to ensure that everyone acts in the best interests of the child. Even if one parent is the custodial parent and retains sole custody, New York believes that the unfit parent has the right to eventually become the parent the child deserves. Their visitation rights may be limited to supervised visits, but they do have rights. If you have lost physical and legal custody of your child, our firm will fight for your right to visitation.

Order for visitation

Certain family members can request a court’s intervention to help them gain access to a child. An Order for Visitation is reserved for specific family members, such as parents, grandparents, and siblings. Though these people have the right to request the court’s involvement, it does not mean that courts will automatically grant visitation rights. The court will decide on the matter with the best interest of the child in mind. Unfortunately, the list of family members that can file for an Order for Visitation is small and does not include stepparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. When a family cannot establish a visitation schedule that works for everyone, or a custodial parent is denied access to a child, it may be necessary to request an Order of Visitation.

Contact an experienced Long Island child visitation attorney

Child visitation is a serious legal matter for many families throughout Long Island. It is important that one have quality legal support through the process of requesting an Order for Visitation. Whether you are a family member requesting one or a parent facing a request, our firm is here to discuss your legal matter and see how we can work to protect your future. If you need a consultation with an experienced child visitation lawyer, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today.

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