NY Divorce Attorney: Three Basics to Negotiating

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A New York divorce attorney is an important resource to have when making decisions that could affect the rest of your life.  He or she can help you negotiate a divorce settlement in your favor, saving you time, money and the frustration of having to litigate your case.  Three rules that a New York divorce mediator may explain include:

Don’t Refuse to Negotiate

The vast majority of divorce cases end in a settlement.  This includes some of the most contentious cases.  There is not usually a down side to settlement, but there are plenty of negatives if the attempt is not made to settle the case.  Even when parties think that they are too far apart to settle, a settlement can often still be reached after a strong negotiation session.

Don’t Negotiate Backwards

It is important to negotiate in good faith.  Offering less during a subsequent negotiation than was made in a previous negotiation is likely to offend the other party.  This is often seen as a form of punishment for the other side rejecting an offer.

Consider All Proposals

Even if a proposal seems insulting in nature, it is important not to react emotionally to it.  While some proposals are so low that they are insulting, sometimes this is just a start at negotiating and the actual deal will be closer to the middle.  An offer of this nature may be met with a more realistic counter-offer.  Sometimes it takes educating the other side on the strength of a particular position to get them moving closer to your side.  A bad proposal still provides a starting point.

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