New York Child Custody Rules to Follow

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New York child custody cases tend to be some of the most contentious in nature.  After all, parties are arguing about their children, both believing that they know what is best for them.  Some ways to get through New York child custody matters while leaving the children as unscathed as possible include:

Don’t Use the Children as Messengers

Even though the parents may be upset with one another, they should not use their children as messengers.  This makes the children feel uncomfortable and like they have divided loyalty.

Assure Your Children Their Needs Will Be Met

It is important that your children feel like they are safe during difficult times of transition.  Reinforce that you love them and that their physical, emotional and financial needs will be met.

Be Honest with Your Children

Children know when a parent leaves the household or when there is tension in it.  Let your children know about any changes that will affect them, such as a move or less time with a parent.  Tell them that the separation is not their fault.

Shield Your Children

Don’t discuss a divorce in front of your children.  Don’t criticize the other parent either.  Children need to feel loved during this difficult time and should not have their relationship weakened with either parent.  Let your children know that both of their parents love them very much.

Consider Mediation

Mediation can often held reduce the amount of conflict between co-parents.  It can also be a safe place to express negative emotions and work through them so that the children are not hurt in the process.

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