What should I know about child support?

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Child support is something that many people are faced with either paying or receiving after they go through a divorce or separation. This form of support is intended so the noncustodial parent can aid the custodial parent in providing the child with food, shelter, clothing, and any other child-related expenses.

How is child support determined?

In New York, child support is calculated based on the Child Support Standards Act. The primary goal is to continue providing the child with the same standard of life they were used to before the divorce. The noncustodial parent will be required to pay the custodial parent a percentage of the combined gross income. For example, if the noncustodial parent has to pay support for 2 children, they will pay 25-percent of the combined gross income. The percentage is lower with less children and higher with more children.

When does child support end?

New York State requires parents to provide financial support to their children until they turn 21 years of age. However, there are situations where a child can be emancipated before age 21 or have their child support extended after age 21.

Everyone’s particular situation is different so it is important to consult with an attorney about the specifics of your family. If you have questions about child support in New York, contact our firm today for quality legal assistance.

Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today for a free consultation.

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