What Do I Need to Tell a Divorce Mediator in Bohemia NY?

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Divorce mediation is a gentler alternative to finalizing a case. Divorce mediation is not a court proceeding, and no testimony is required. Instead, when the parties meet with a divorce mediator in Bohemia New York, they usually attempt to create a settlement agreement in a conference room. If you are planning to meet with a divorce mediator in Bohemia New York, you are probably wondering what you will discuss.

Although your attorney has spoken for you in court proceedings and other exchanges up until this point, during mediation, you will be the one doing the talking. Do not let this fact make you nervous. You will be discussing your marriage and its breakdown in a relaxed, conversational manner with the mediator. If you prefer, the mediator will not disclose statements you make to your spouse. Therefore, you should tell the mediator all of your concerns and wishes so that they are taken into account when creating a settlement agreement.

Be prepared to tell the mediator exactly what you want out of the case, and why you want it. If the case does not settle, you may have to go to court to have a judge decide the issues for you. Many mediators are happy to tell the parties whether or not a judge may rule in their favor on a certain issue, so make sure that you are prepared to support your arguments. You may bring items with you, such as emails, texts, and photos to back up your claims.

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