Divorce Attorney in Hauppauge NY Explains When to Reveal Negative Information about the Other Parent

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A divorce attorney in Hauppauge New York is familiar with all aspects of child custody cases in New York.   As such, he or she can advise clients on the potential pitfalls or rewards of specific approaches in child custody cases.   Like with political campaigns, some child custody cases consist of exposing negative information about the other party instead of focusing on the positive aspects of the represented party.   However, this strategy can sometimes backfire by making the represented party look just as bad.   Additionally, judges often find parties more credible if they are even-handed in their comments.   This being said, there are times when a divorce attorney in Hauppauge New York may suggest that it is appropriate to focus on negative aspects of the other parent, such as:

Substance Abuse Problems Exist

If the other parent has a history of consuming drugs or alcohol, the court should know it.   The judge should be made aware of such history if it has the potential to affect the children.   Even if the other parent has been clean for some time, this information can still be included in an order that makes rights contingent upon passing drug tests or staying clean.

Behavior Puts the Child at Risk

Children look to their parents to set an example.   They are responsible for guiding their children and helping to shape them into responsible citizens.   However, if they engage in risky or dangerous activities that exposes them to unnecessary risks, the parent should inform the court of this negative information in order to protect the children.

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