Divorce Attorney in Bay Shore NY Explains How Parental Conflict Affects Children

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Unfortunately, a divorce attorney in Bay Shore New York sees firsthand how parental conflict during the divorce process affects children every day. Even though parents know that their children’s wellbeing is critical during this time, this concept often gets lost in the struggle of divorce. A divorce attorney in Bay Shore New York can point out the dire consequences that can occur when there is chronic parental conflict.

Children can suffer psychologically from witnessing their parent’s hostile interactions. These problems may manifest themselves as behavioral problems in the child, trouble sleeping, low self-esteem, poor academic performance or anxiety or depression.
Children may also feel a number of unsettling emotions when dealing with parental conflict, such as the uncomfortable position of feeling like they have to take sides. Children may also blame themselves for the conflict, especially if they overhear parents arguing about issues related to them.

Parental conflict can often negatively impact the relationship between parents and offspring. If one parent constantly badmouths the other, the child may believe these things are true and may start to withdraw from him or her. The child may also resent the parent who is doing the badmouthing for insulting his or her other parent. The child’s relationships with other people may also be negatively impacted because he or she is not learning the necessary lessons about how to get along with others and show respect to others.

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