Divorce Mediation in New York

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When a couple wants to end a marriage in a quick and cost-efficient way, they may consider the process of a mediated divorce. If a couple can set aside their emotions and come together to address contested issues outside of court, mediation might be a good option for them. Mediation can address a variety of family law issues, including child support, child custody, alimony, property distribution, relocation, and more. As people realize that court battles cost a lot of money and time, mediation becomes a more popular way to handle family matters.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a process in which a couple comes together and discuss all contested issues in order to end a marriage quickly and efficiently. Mediation is not only limited to divorces. Mediation can resolve issues related to post-divorce issues as well, including relocation. Couples are asked to set aside their emotions and focus the discussion on constructiveness and mutual respect. When a couple hires a mediator, they allow the attorney to facilitate a productive negotiation process. The mediator will start by explaining the process, the rights of each party in the process, and what they should expect from the process. Once the mediator is satisfied that the couple is ready, mediation can begin. The negotiations will focus on what needs to be addressed. If a couple agrees to certain issues, the process will take less time. The mediator does not represent either party. They will make sure that everyone’s concerns are addressed. If one party does not feel comfortable discussing a topic, they may take the time to discuss the issue in private with the mediator, if the other party agrees, that will later be brought up in a constructive manner. Mediation has no time limit or court-imposed deadline. The length of the process is up to the couple. Some couples are able to resolve their issues within a few visits. Other times, the process can take longer. Once the couple is satisfied, the mediator will draft a separation agreement, allow each party to review it or discuss it with their own counsel, and then file them with the family court. When the mediator files the proper paperwork, the judge will examine the agreement and pass down a Final Judgement of Divorce.

Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today for a consultation.

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