Minimizing Your Digital Footprint During a Divorce

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Divorce is a complex, draining process. At times, it can feel as though you are fighting a war stuck in a stalemate. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for spouses to disagree on who is entitled to certain assets, which plunges their divorce into the litigation process. What’s worse, if your ex-spouse refuses to compromise, or even refuses to act rationally, you may be in for a bumpy ride.

Of course, when provoked, the natural reaction is to fight back. And while it is true, you must remain strong and fight back, you have to do so in a calm, collected, and strategic manner. This means resisting the urge to take the bait and get your two cents in, even if your former spouse needs to hear it. At times, it’s challenging to be the bigger person. However, taking the high road may benefit you tremendously in the long run. Since you must conduct yourself professionally throughout the process, you should know how social media and the digital world come into play.

If you are someone who enjoys sharing on Facebook, Instagram, or another platform, you most likely used the platform to vent at one time or another, even if it wasn’t about anything serious. However, now that you are in the divorce process, you must keep your posting to a minimum and never, ever, post anything about your ex-spouse. Any sort of public online degradation, insult, or comment about your spouse or your divorce may hurt you in the future. Courts will generally look down on those who slander their former spouse, and any or all of your social media posts may be used as evidence against you.

Additionally, you must not use social media to broadcast new purchases or new relationships. If you are requesting spousal support payments, yet you just posted a picture of a recent vacation to Italy, the courts will be far less likely to provide you with the support you may actually need. On the other hand, if you recently got involved with a new relationship, even if it was after you and your spouse have been apart for some time, it may be taken out of context and used against you in court as evidence of an affair.

Having open communications with your former spouse is a good thing, especially if you have children. However, you must keep your texts strictly business. That is to say, if your ex wants to fight, do not engage. People have had heat-of-the-moment texts appear in court as evidence of a threatening spouse. We all say things we don’t mean from time to time–it’s human nature. However, it can be that much worse when you put something like that in writing.

All in all, if you are getting a divorce, keep your posting, texting, and overall digital footprint to a minimum and hire a compassionate divorce attorney to maximize your chances of a positive outcome.

Contact our experienced Long Island firm

Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. Our firm understands the impact a divorce can have on your life. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, please do not hesitate to contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today.

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