Mediation has many benefits that come along with the process. Through mediated divorces, spouses are able to act more respectfully toward one another, which can be useful if they have to work together to parent their children. By avoiding court, they may be able to avoid drama and arguments with one another. If these couples had children together, their children can witness a working relationship between their parents instead of seeing their parents fight over important issues. The children can witness their parents set a good example of how to act. By maintaining a healthy relationship with their former spouse, it can help to make a more accessible child custody arrangement. Since mediation does not take place in litigation, it allows for more privacy. A judge will not be making the decisions. Due to this, spouses may be able to reach a more favorable outcome. Instead of having someone else decide on matters for them, they will have more control over the outcome. This may provide them with a more satisfied feeling regarding child custody, support or alimony. During mediation, couples can take as much time as they need. It is done at their own pace. Since litigation can be time-consuming, it may cause it to be more costly due to attorney fees. With mediation, spouses have the opportunity to save money and time.
Can I end the mediation process?
When couples are going through the divorce process, they can choose to enter into mediation. Through mediation, they may be able to resolve their issues and get their divorce finalized. This process involves both spouses and a mediator. The mediator serves as a neutral third party. They do not make decisions for the couple. Instead, they help guide the conversation along so that the couple can work together and cooperate with one another. It takes a lot of cooperation and patience to get through this process successfully. Due to this, mediation may not be for everyone. However, you have the option of entering into mediation and ending the process at any time. Either spouse can end the process if they feel it is to difficult to continue with or that decisions are not being made in the best way possible.
Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today for a free consultation.