When the court has to step in and make decisions on contested matters of a couple’s divorce or family law issues, the rulings are legally binding. With that said, the court realizes that they are only able to rule given the current facts of the case and will not be able to see what circumstances may change at some point down the road. When circumstances do change, the affected party may wonder whether they can request the court makes modifications to the initial order to better suit the situation. Though the legal standard is quite high for approving a modification request, it can be done if necessary.
Some of the issues that frequently require modifications include spousal maintenance and all matters related to the child, such as child support, child custody, and child visitation. When an individual does need to make this request, they will have to fulfill the burden of proving that there was a significant and permanent change in circumstances and they can truly no longer meet the requirements of the initial order. Some of the factors that may cause an individual to request a modification include a loss of employment, drastic change in income, significant health issues, among others.
It is important to note that one should not act on any changes to the court order without actually obtaining a new judgment. Court orders are legally binding and require the parties involved to follow the provisions of the order. If you have questions about court orders in Long Island or New York State, contact our firm today.
Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today for a free consultation.