Three Reasons to Consider No Fault Divorce in Bay Shore NY

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There is fault-based divorce as well as no fault divorce in Bay Shore New York. The fault grounds in New York include cruel and inhuman treatment, abandonment, imprisonment, adultery and legal separation. No fault divorce in Bay Shore New York is relatively new and provides that a couple can choose to terminate their marriage if they have had an irretrievable breakdown of their marriage for at least six months.

Even though fault grounds exist in New York, there are several reasons why individuals should consider no fault divorce. The primary reason why is to have more privacy over family matters. Court records and orders become public, and alleging fault grounds can cast one or both spouses in a negative light. Damage to a person or business reputation may not be worth the pursuit of a fault-based divorce.

Another important reason to consider with no fault divorce even when fault grounds exist is because it is usually less expensive. If you file on fault grounds, you have the obligation of establishing them. This means that your attorney will have to log more hours and complete more discoveries in order to prove this component of the case.

Finally, consider no fault divorce if you want a quicker resolution of your case. With less contested issues, you can more quickly resolve your divorce and move on to the next stage of your life.

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