Using Divorce Mediation in New York to Ease the Process

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Divorce mediation in New York is often recommended to clients who are going through the divorce process.  A mediator can underscore the advantages of using divorce mediation in New York to resolve the legal issues.

Mediation encourages cooperation rather than contention.  This characteristic is pivotal when the spouses have children and must maintain some type of relationship after the divorce process concludes.  Mediation is a non-adversarial resolution of divorce that can help minimize negative effects of divorce and being involved in a court battle.  In contrast to the contentious litigation process, divorce mediation in New York is a way for people to end a relationship with respect and collaboration.

The respectful ground rules and process that mediation encompasses help all types of individuals going through divorce.  They do not need to have children in order to benefit from this process.  During a marriage, spouses are often partners in a number of important ways, including as friends, financial partners, roommates, co-owners of real property, business partners and more.  While a divorce may sever the marital relationship, many relationships must remain intact after a divorce.  Couples can explore divorce mediation as a viable alternative divorce option in order to help maintain these relationships.  If the spouses are also co-parents, they have a lifelong partnership built into the mix.  Mediation can help the parties preserve a stronger relationship as parents who are objectively focused on the best interests of their children while also exploring ways that help tie in the parties’ individual interests.

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