How to Have an Amicable No Fault Divorce in New York

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A no fault divorce in New York achieves the first step of having an amicable divorce: not casting blame.  This is an important distinction between at-fault divorce because the parties do not have to participate in mud-slinging simply to end their marriage.  Other ways to have an amicable no fault divorce in New York include:

Using Mediation

By choosing mediation, the parties signal that they are willing to work together even if it is difficult.  They often choose this path to put the needs of their children first or to preserve a relationship with one another.  Mediation’s focus is on preserving a relationship instead of destroying it like is common in litigation.  Selecting mediation allows the parties to be in the driver’s seat regarding important legal issues concerning their property, children and support matters.  Mediation puts the parties in an environment that embraces mutual respect and dignity.

Select the Right Lawyer

Even if you choose to pursue mediation, you may still want to hire a lawyer who can inform you of your rights at each point in the process.  However, if your goal is to have an amicable divorce, you likely do not want to hire a lawyer with a reputation of being confrontational and overly aggressive which will likely make your spouse feel defensive.  Instead, choose a lawyer who is focused on maintaining respectful dialog and helping your problem-solve so that you can end your relationship in a respectful manner.

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