Divorce Attorney in Stony Brook NY: Collaborative or Not

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A divorce attorney in Stony Brook, New York can explain that a new trend in divorce is to make the process much more collaborative than combative.  However, he or she can also warn that collaborative divorce may not work for all couples.  By having a clear understanding of what this process entails, a divorce attorney in Stony Brook New York can offer an opinion on whether it should be considered.

Collaborative divorce starts out as a normal divorce with each side having their own legal counsel.  However, legal counsel is trained to work together and not to approach the case as adversaries.  Rather than hashing out battles in the courtroom, the couple and their legal representatives meet in a private setting to negotiate an agreement.  Each party’s lawyer advocates for the client.

Other individuals may be part of this process, including accountants, divorce coaches or therapists.  Many couples may have several sessions before they reach a final agreement.  Nevertheless, collaborative divorce is still typically less expensive than litigation.

While collaborative divorce has the potential to keep the divorce negotiations and issues private and to create customized solutions, the process is not for everyone.  If a party does not believe that the other party will negotiate in good faith or will try to hide information during the process, collaborative divorce may not be appropriate.  If a party will not act in a reasonable manner or have reasonable expectations, litigation may be necessary.

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